Review Detail

Blacklisted Pharmacies
Overall rating
Product quality / site reliability (weighting = 40%)
Ease of website use and range (weighting = 5%)
Price (weighting = 30%)
Customer service (weighting = 10%. Optional)
Speed of delivery (weighting = 15%)
Poor experience, avoided

This review forum site was around for a long time, long ago got shut down and then re-emerged a few years later, if i'm remembering right. I rarely went there because it wasn't easy to find the information i was looking for (simple stuff like recent performance of a pharmacy i had not used in a while). I went there about 6 months ago, just to report my recent experience with one pharmacy and my experience with a new pharmacy. It wasn't easy for me to figure out how to do either one of these things, so i improvised. I provided two detailed reviews. A little later i went to see if my reviews had posted. They did not. Then i noticed something by my account name on the left side, saying i was banned. It's been a while so i don't remember the details but i think it said to contact admin, which i did, to ask how come banned. I was told that before posting a review of a new pharmacy i needed to go through them. I thought that was reasonable, and i got a timely reply back. i don't remember what the problem was with the other pharmacy but i remember thinking at the time that it didn't feel to me as if they were wanting to screen new pharmacies to protect users, but rather, to promote existing pharmacies that they had some kind of common interest with. I remember thinking that at the time. Although she said i could post now that we had clarified things, the word 'banned' continued to appear. i was able to post a reply on another pharmacy discussion, so it seemed maybe i wasn't banned. but the word stayed up there. i contacted admin to ask about that, and the back and forth exchange that resulted left me not understanding. It wasn't hostile or anything, it just didn't make sense. i haven't been back since, and when i saw this here today and it was mentioned that there were reports of people being banned for reporting favorable about certain pharmacies, it reminded me of this experience. There was just a weird vibe about it, which i haven't encountered at other pharmacy forums.

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