Advice needed on longtime vendor

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@Davey Crockett Absolutely right, you never know, even your vendor might have no idea as you point out (though they should test new suppliers if they are conscientious and care about keeping long term client base - and not killing people).

I've see 100x 2mg "roche" k-pins for around $250 but they aren't real. They do something but definitely not like the real roche or galenika k-pins. I can take an entire 2mg pill and it makes me a little sleepy, calms me a bit. If I took a real Roche it would knock me out for 6-8 hours.

I'm looking for a new vendor now that has the actual med and not some mystery benzo-like substance. The quest never ends ;)
I have 5mg betapam (generic valium) I ordered.

I literally can only tolerate a tiny little chunk from this 5mg tablet. It's strong to me.
I can take a 1mg US pharmacy Rx dispensed ativan and not be a sleepy
I have 5mg betapam (generic valium) I ordered.

I literally can only tolerate a tiny little chunk from this 5mg tablet. It's strong to me.
I can take a 1mg US pharmacy Rx dispensed ativan and not be a sleepy

5mg valium is not even large for valium. Don't they also come in 10mg? That's crazy a little piece of a 5mg is that strong. Yep, I looked it up and everyone says it's diazepam (valium) but it sounds from the strength that it's more like klonopin. 1mg (real) klon knocks me out. Who knows what we're getting these days.
I’ve recently lost contact with my trusted vendor in India who was my only guy for years and years — I hope he is ok!
Ditto @Fisher! Unless your med is expensive, get while the gettin' is good. I have a lifetime stockpile from the great days of CHEAP quality from Serb.
Also looking for a long time reliable vendor, recently got some atvian 2mg but took 1 and a half tablets last night and still couldn’t sleep..
Also looking for a long time reliable vendor, recently got some atvian 2mg but took 1 and a half tablets last night and still couldn’t sleep..
You're on the way there for Senior section sources. Keep posting and be patient 😃
Thanks guys. I think I knew the answer, but it helped to hear that, as I was tempted to call back. Not worth the risk.

Very frustrating and a little scary to suddenly be cut off though. I thought I was done with this searching frantically stuff..guess I got complacent :(
If you are UK based, just get your postings up to Senior section and you will find what you need.
How do you get your postings up to senior sections? Will it show Ativan suppliers?
vendors come and go all the time......take it from ppl here with experience. The best advice I can give is to become a sr member and then do your own research on who offers what you are looking for and how much.....also many members here are very helpful if you need help finding sources
How do you become a senior member?
It’s only a matter of time when all online vendors even in SY are completely out of order. Then we will all be screwed. Im
Worried because my doctor has only ever written half the order I needed of my med which had me turning online for the rest. There is no use reasoning with these doctors even for these low low on the totem pole pain killers. I don’t know what I’ll do when it becomes non-existent to do.
Maybe you could read the rules about what you need to gain access to the senior area. I've been here quite awhile and I'm still not a senior. I just enjoyed reading a lot of the information here.
I am fed up with this obsession doctors have with opiods. You should hear how my doctor was talking to me over a prescription for 2 to 3 tramadol a day. I couldn't believe it. I had just asked him to take me off hydrocodone and switch me to tramadol. Hydrocodone works well for my pain but I knew he would have a heart attack if I didn't get off of them. The hospital sent me home with what I had left of my prescription for them. But my doctor would have a cow.
@lana887, I am sure you are there now. Ativan is something I have not seen brought up a lot. It is used in all of the hospitals in my home-state for sleep. Not sure of IV dose. It is there on many lists I have seen so you should be able to aquire it. Got some freebies with a large order from a vendor, I think they were 2 or 2.5 and I was quite impressed as its use as a sleep aid. He is too pricey and you have to go BULK to get a fair (what is fair anymore?) price. Good luck friend! After the sticker shock, you should be ok. I think for the most common doses of the most common benzos, things are around 2-3$/tab. Please let me know if I am wrong. I know there is someone cheaper, but I think that is about the norm?
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