Here we go again, one individuals actions cause this...

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@jaders i have a feeling perry would have continued to make poor choices, as he was an addict. he even needed a sobriety coach on the friends set, so many years ago. celebrities use their power and money to force others to their will. i looked up the case and he definitely was involved with some shady characters but to be real he sought them out. i still think the assistant was forced into this, due to his job and the power imbalance. what's missing from the news is perry's culpability. he apparently asked for his assistant to "load him up a big one." maybe it's just the questionable reporting but they make out perry to be a victim. (i don't know much about ketamine, as i thought it came in pills. at least perry had the nous to get regulated prescription drugs)

i just resent that the few real addicts like perry ruin things for everyone else. addiction is a disease and an awful one. yet we do wave off alcoholism because it's legal while drug deaths set off a feeding frenzy. addicts should be removed from the discussion, not used by the government to limit everyone else. plenty of people can have a glass of wine and stop. plenty of people can take their prescribed pks for years with no problem. what's the difference?

i remember a similar witch hunt with anna nicole smith. she used aliases when getting prescribed meds to avoid press and blame was placed on her bf/lawyer. he was finally acquited (he forced her to hide her identity? seriously?) i felt sorry for the guy because no one forced anna to mix chloral hydrate with her cocktail of drugs. the poor guy spent years in court fighting the charges before a judge dismissed the case, saying the guy had suffered enough (and cost the government 500k to boot). who decided to waste public money on such a bizarre charge?
I totally agree! When you’re rich and famous it isn’t that much different than a movie producer “forcing” an actress (or actor) to give sexual favors, or a boss who has power over their employees demanding the same. Power gives privilege and trying to blame others for what Perry chose to ingest is pathetic as hell imho…

If we would put the responsibility where it belongs, no one else would need to be punished or forced to go without, for other folks’ transgressions. It just seems so simple to me, honestly…🤷‍♂️
I feel like this might be a topic that might upset some, I dont mean it in a disrespectful way, but I turn on the news and the whole nonsense story about Matthew Perry the dude from Friends now has a drug Ketamine, that is really the last thing we should be concerned about, in the spotlight.
Its not that Im saying that the guy deserved it, or anything like that but now because of what I truly feel in that particular situation he did make choices that it was on him to not overdue it, this is something that wasnt spiked or fake or synthetic. It was measureable medication that has helped alot of people. Dude abused it. They said i believe he had 3 doses that day, not a lot really. Now the doctors are of course to blame.

It to me is extremely frustrating b/c young people are dying at a sickening rate young people, unknowing individuals looking for relief and because its such a liability for doctors to even give a thing out for pain. So ppl then turn to street products, which are at least in some areas of the country flooding in and are mde to be indistinguishable from acttual pharmaceuticals. Which I actually kind of want to open a seperate thread addressing what we should be doing to combat that issue.

I know we are living in some pretty hyper sensitive but I just feel like suddenly sh*t matters b/c its an actor...That kinda sad, i mean i feel like im more and more just finding myself to be completely not understanding people. I think its always a tragedy when someone loses their life from drugs but that, then literally almost everything else in society feels like...honestly embarassing. I really just am someone who goes off of rationale and logical thought, it seems to be more and more of a thing of the past.

Im curious others thoughts
Hey, I've only just seen this. What you saw was on the News.
Are you aware of the circumstances before his death? What he was posting on Instagram? (I think, either Instagram or Twitter?) the references to Batman, the video of someone throwing a few cranberries on a desk (the lead singer of the Irish pop/rock band 'The Cranberries' died at a young age a year or two before Perry) and the last photograph he ever took, which was him in the hot tub he allegedly died in?
There is more than meets the eye to this and I believe it's highly likely that Perry was actually murdered, and knew that he would be- hence him sending cryptic messages online just before his death.
Just saying.
In the USA and UK, they don't want sensible, intelligent people being freed from depression and anxiety at this point in history. They are pushing extremely unethical and technically criminal legislation at a faster and faster rate. They don't want people having enough courage to stand against this.

This is merely my opinion. I understand your point. I believe there is an agenda behind almost everything, especially access to medication.

I don't recommend the news media if you want truth but I know that is not the point. I believe that this will get blown over and forgotten about, if it isn't already.
I feel you... I think it's just a matter of time that ketamine is put in a negative light. Though to be fair it is the one substance that seems to have gone in and out of healthcare's good graces.
Yeah, ketamine has been a controlled substance for decades. It's only recently been used for anything other than anesthesia.
I'm pretty sure Mat Perry's death will not cause much to change in regards to ketamine. This new stance on ketamine being used for depression and other things is promising because ketamine, to the right person under the right circumstances is a miracle drug.

Ketamine therapy seems to be lumped in with microdosing mushrooms and LSD and is being pushed in newsletters such as DoubleBlind mag.
It all has a psychedelic kind of new age vibe to it. This is just how I've noticed it's been presented to me, I know the doctors involved are nothing to do with this.
Hopefully though, the younger generation of doctors are inspired to help give naturally occurring substances such as psilocybin, hemp, mescaline, DMT etc the respect it deserves in the western medical field.

Abuse of medication has been a serious inconvenience for all of us and has lead to restrictions and over the top paranoia for legal prescribers.
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Matthew Perry was Chandler to millions. The affable, sarcastic, funny and ultimately insecure guy who wore his heart on his sleeve. Kind of a Jimmy Stewart/Tom Hanks. That was not Perry of course but it plays a huge part in this hysteria. Michael William’s od, the investigation and outrage petered out quickly. Phillip Hoffman was a shock but the investigation went off the rails and disappeared. Perry had a likability factor that not many actors have (except for some of the others in the Friends cast maybe) and neither Michael nor Phillip were so loved by fans.
He was an addict even during the friends reunion show when he said he was sober and was a mess…Not sober.
If it happened to Joaquin Phoenix the public wouldn’t have had this reaction over him.
Perry had no control over his addictions, obviously. Would someone telling this mega millionaire star that he was taking to much and he could ruin ket for others if he dies. He wouldn’t have cared. He was a hardcore addict, not Chandler

I sat on his lap one time and we talked a bit. He was very nice. It was the first year of Friends. Maybe it was an Emmy party. 1994 ish.
Matthew Perry was Chandler to millions. The affable, sarcastic, funny and ultimately insecure guy who wore his heart on his sleeve. Kind of a Jimmy Stewart/Tom Hanks. That was not Perry of course but it plays a huge part in this hysteria. Michael William’s od, the investigation and outrage petered out quickly. Phillip Hoffman was a shock but the investigation went off the rails and disappeared. Perry had a likability factor that not many actors have (except for some of the others in the Friends cast maybe) and neither Michael nor Phillip were so loved by fans.
He was an addict even during the friends reunion show when he said he was sober and was a mess…Not sober.
If it happened to Joaquin Phoenix the public wouldn’t have had this reaction over him.
Perry had no control over his addictions, obviously. Would someone telling this mega millionaire star that he was taking to much and he could ruin ket for others if he dies. He wouldn’t have cared. He was a hardcore addict, not Chandler

I sat on his lap one time and we talked a bit. He was very nice. It was the first year of Friends. Maybe it was an Emmy party. 1994 ish.
Just an FYI on Michael K. Williams, they actually got the dealers that sold him the H, which happened to be laced with F. I don’t remember how much time they got sentenced for, but they sold MORE laced H to undercover defectives, even after they knew they killed Willams (if I remember correctly).

With his case, they actually did follow up. I believe it was because he was such a beloved actor, basically starting with Omar from The Wire.
@notcharlotte do celebrities double Doctor and get away with it? What’s the risk of double doctoring in the UK are the tracking systems tight?
not from the uk so i don't know. the us has a prescription monitoring system so your doc can see your prescriptions. i think it's just for controlled meds, as the primary doc knows you see specialists and get other meds. i think the uk has one too, at least that's what google says.

it seems like perry had a doc who prescribed his ketamine. it's similar to michael jackson who had a doctor dispense his sleep med. both men had the money to seek out these docs and obtain legitimate prescriptions. for your average person trying to double dip with docs is a sure way to lose any help.
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