I miss ambien

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I miss being able to sleep. I miss having physicians that actually prescribe medicines that work. Where I live, they greatly reduced the amount of sleep aids they prescribe. I have chronic neuropathy and am in such discomfort when I sleep. Opioids make me more alert, so I can’t take them at night, and nerve pain drugs like Lyrica and gabapentin provide very little relief. I need help but am not getting any.
I miss being able to sleep. I miss having physicians that actually prescribe medicines that work. Where I live, they greatly reduced the amount of sleep aids they prescribe. I have chronic neuropathy and am in such discomfort when I sleep. Opioids make me more alert, so I can’t take them at night, and nerve pain drugs like Lyrica and gabapentin provide very little relief. I need help but am not getting any.
I miss my sleep too. I had tapered off over the last 6 months and sleep was not affected much. Last week has been horrible. This post at this hour is an indication that Insomnia is creeping back into my life.
7.5 mg Zopiclone generic is often unavail; so get Sanofi Imovane at same price point.
Poor man's extended release; pack pill(s) in empty capsule with Jif (peanut butter)
@Seychelle -- Explain your peanut butter technique in more detail, IfYouPlease. Inquiring minds want to know! I just happen to have some Jif on hand...
There is nothing something to miss ,use it but with system and make regularly checks at your doctor to your liver. This is mandatory.
insomnia is the worst and the result is the lack of the ability to function and be present day to day.
I used to love ambien cause i had SO MUCH problems GETTING to sleep, Turns out I have sleep induced anxiety, so long story short after years of off and on ambien use i started to notice that im dragging literal ass the next day after using ambien, I sleep but i don't get the DEEP SLEEP that your body needs to function properly.

Valium so far has been the best thing to get me the long deep sleep i need usually giving me 2 days of good naps and long sleep.

Klonopin works decent as well. The thing is these meds CAN'T be used DAILY it will only rebound the anxiety and sleep issues 10 fold.

The idea would be to treat the underlying condition thats causing insomnia, In my case anxiety and ADHD.

CBT did nothing for me i should add i tried that route twice with the help of councilors.
In a pinch, melatonin works. The only problem is, like everything else, if you use it every night, it stops working. If you normally use prescription medications for insomnia, and you want to spread them out, so they don’t stop, melatonin will help. Also great if you run out, but usually you can only get a few weeks, at most, out of them.
Indica cannabis, Melatonin, Valerian, Magnesium, hot-shower before bed, clean sheets/ made up bed.
Blue light filter for your phone, progressive muscle relaxation before bed.
Bianuaral beats (delta waves), an audio-book, a dark room. excersise (Hah!)
hops, a back massage.

lots of natural ways.. which will all help. may not cure, but certainly will help. (especially the blue light filter on your phone + tv + computer. Also make sure you have no LED lights in your bedroom, (white light contains all the frequencies including blue and green which both keep you awake and ruin your sleep.
I have tried reducing screentime on the phone, has helped a bit. Any new thing works for a couple of days and then it loses it effect. New medicine, new place, new oils all effects are short lived.
I miss being able to sleep. I miss having physicians that actually prescribe medicines that work. Where I live, they greatly reduced the amount of sleep aids they prescribe. I have chronic neuropathy and am in such discomfort when I sleep. Opioids make me more alert, so I can’t take them at night, and nerve pain drugs like Lyrica and gabapentin provide very little relief. I need help but am not getting any.
I have no luck with the G.Ps on that front. I was once 72hours awake,,, and my doctor told me to go to the supermarket and buy piriton drowsy.
One other time after 4 days no sleep they gave me a single 3.5mg zopiclone after i begged.

I get treated like a drug addict for requiring diazepam to deal with my anxiety.
Doctors suck. I'm sorry your dealing with neuropathy.. try a different physician if possible?
@Soundsoul It's not so much reducing screen time. 2 seconds of blue light will stop your brain producing melatonin for 2+ hours.
So you need a blue light filter. Then you can look at screens until you sleep if you please.
Oh got it. Do use the eye protection feature when reading on Kindle. I will research more into this. Very insightful tip. Maybe a blue filter and glass of wine will sort the sleeping issue out.

F.lux is a great app for your computer. For your phone..... you have to find a 'F.lux' alternative. (just a bluelight filter, theres loads of apps for that on android and osx)
I’ve mentioned this before, but I am repeating it in case someone benefits from this. Of course this could be just me, but I doubt it. If I take Ambien for a prolonged period, it just stops working at all. For the very first time ever, I laid off of it for weeks, I took it again, and it still didn’t work. No idea why, so I tried again a week later. Still not working. If it wasn’t from a real pharmacy, I would think it was fake. But this exact same batch, from the same prescription fill, did work, and now doesn’t.

My overall point is that I was taking it every night, because it was there, and I didn’t feel like staring at the ceiling all night. I should have taken a break from it. I always was able to give it a break, and it always worked again. Not this time and I am totally f’cked.
Ambien is a terrible drug. And I take it occasionally so I know. No memory of activities if you don't go straight to bed. Addictive. Efficacy wears out. I used to take it every night. Now only once per week max. I rely on other meds to help me sleep regularly.
I’ve mentioned this before, but I am repeating it in case someone benefits from this. Of course this could be just me, but I doubt it. If I take Ambien for a prolonged period, it just stops working at all. For the very first time ever, I laid off of it for weeks, I took it again, and it still didn’t work. No idea why, so I tried again a week later. Still not working. If it wasn’t from a real pharmacy, I would think it was fake. But this exact same batch, from the same prescription fill, did work, and now doesn’t.

My overall point is that I was taking it every night, because it was there, and I didn’t feel like staring at the ceiling all night. I should have taken a break from it. I always was able to give it a break, and it always worked again. Not this time and I am totally f’cked.

Ambien is a terrible drug. And I take it occasionally so I know. No memory of activities if you don't go straight to bed. Addictive. Efficacy wears out. I used to take it every night. Now only once per week max. I rely on other meds to help me sleep regularly.
I would definitely tell others if you aren’t on it now, just keep it that way. My experiences are similar, but it is the only thing that helps me shut off my mind, that comes at the cost of some interesting experiences if you stay up like you said.
I'm prescribed Ambien and even though I am a bit iffy on it, It does work. Melantonin 10mg helps a lot.
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