Agree with this. It's easy to step out of the room, so to speak, when life gets busy and the reasons we're all here are under some sort of control, even if it's a temporary control. But given the hostile political and medical climate to those of us who have chronic pain, it's important to keep this place safe so we don't lose it. I imagine the best way to do that is to make sure that those of us who use it for the right reasons sign in and contribute at regular intervals. As someone who isn't sure they'd even be alive without this site (chronic pain is deadly, it really is), I can get behind regular participation to retain senior status.I understand why they put as lapsed, as in order to keep the community safe they need to know that people are invested in the system and that no one can infiltrate the forum for nefarious reasonn
and omg we're like within one month of each other!! XDwow this forum has so many older members. older as in been a member for a long time and are still active? thats gotta be rare. I cant think of any website especially a forum I still visit from that time. But this has always been a very mature forum. Ya know, not psychopaths saying horrible things which i guess ill glance at reddit but its alot of negative crap and i cant do it. its so exhausting at this point. so cheers to this website. those on it, the mods, i mean hell of a rare thing.
yeah some habits just... die hard *sungalsses*lol or is everyone on here just all from apparently our era of 2011 lol?
wtf, thats a bit trippy no? I mean really we are talking not a year or 2 or 5 or 10 lol wow sh*te we are around 15 years on this. I think we should get a cake. dude I feel like we gotta run it back to 2011 and what was happening in the world. Okay that was 10 years after 9/11. Um we were still recovering from the recession. Real medication existed. Doctors prescribed...medication. Thats crazy. We were well alot younger and I actually still vaguely recall finding the picture or avatar. Doesnt feel like that long ago in some ways, and in others WHOA a lot of weird stuff has happened that I woulda never predicted.and omg we're like within one month of each other!! XDwow this forum has so many older members. older as in been a member for a long time and are still active? thats gotta be rare. I cant think of any website especially a forum I still visit from that time. But this has always been a very mature forum. Ya know, not psychopaths saying horrible things which i guess ill glance at reddit but its alot of negative crap and i cant do it. its so exhausting at this point. so cheers to this website. those on it, the mods, i mean hell of a rare thing.
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