NY Customs 2023 Experiences!

Recommended Pharmacies on Pharmacy Reviewer

is there a proper way to ask for another vendor recommendation on this site?
Once you become a senior member you can ask for possible vendors if you're looking for a schedule 3 or lower medicine.

When you're new, the best you can do is try using the search function for your desired medicine (various names of it might help?) Sometimes you can find a vendor yourself that way.

Might want to look over the rules to see what's entailed in becoming senior and which vendors are only mentioned in the senior section. If you're in a hurry, I think some of the other forums may be more helpful but also more likely to have scammers and shillers, so just be careful.

Best wishes!

I hate reading about all these seizures. It seems like they're mostly from one vendor or one area tho. Sure hoping in the new year the scrutiny may slack off a bit... 😏

Hey Jaders, I don't mean to nitpick but I want to understand the piece in bold above. When you say Schedule III or lower, logically I interpret that as Schedule II, Schedule I (lower numbers so-to-say). Would really appreciate guidance on this!
Schedule 3,4,and 5 is what I meant. Anything above three is only found by your efforts (not asked for) and schedule one items have their own rules here which I’m not too good at explaining or understanding really. I know someone else can do that better. But basically it’s the lesser scheduled meds that you can openly ask for sources for?

Just had a letter pass through painlessly, one of the faster NYCC experiences I've had. The movement out of Jamaica NY was the more time consuming part this time.

Best wishes to everyone else on movement 🫶
Love good news! Keep em coming... (y)
Just had a letter pass through painlessly, one of the faster NYCC experiences I've had. The movement out of Jamaica NY was the more time consuming part this time.

Best wishes to everyone else on movement 🫶
The longer processing time was probably due all of the holidays happening in quick succession.. I'm glad yours made it through without any hiccups. I hope now that we're in the new year, things stabilize and processing times become shorter.
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