Editing this because I think I said too much about packaging. Let me just say it is stealth!!! Like, so stealth I thought there was an error and got sent something else entirely. I ended up going back and reading this thread some more, and I saw that someone else had the same experience, and they were about to write Tan about it until they figured it out. I almost did the same! Lol
I will return and edit this post again after I eat my snack in 3 hours.
I can definitely tell you guys that the white ones are not crumbly at all. In fact, they're a little hard to break down the middle, even though they're scored. I'm not really interested in breaking it in half for consumption, but I tried to. I was unsuccessful.
Second edit: had my snack an hour ago. All is well! I've been on Rx AN 627's mostly and sometimes the 377's. I'm not noticing any notable differences to either of those -- it's maybe just a tiny bit more floaty, but that also could just be psychological since my anxiety about the whole thing is much relieved now.
Also, I should note that earlier, I checked the physical integrity of several, not just one. None of them would break in half by hand alone. I didn't try any other method.
Adding the names of two folks that were interested in some of this information specifically:
@Roccobigs and
Edit once more: After about 4 hours, I can definitely say these are a little stronger than the typical American Rx. Not like double-dose stronger, but somewhere between feeling like an extra 1/4 stronger to extra 1/2 stronger. The white ones have a bit of a spacey feeling to me. Next time I'll try the green and yellow. I prefer not feeling spaced out. These white ones will definitely make for having a good backup stash though. I don't hate them, just prefer that ever so slight rush of energy I usually get from trams. I know back in the day when I would get the green and yellows from Click, that's how those were. I've seen folks here saying Tan's green and yellows are the same or similar to what Click had back in the day.
One more edit: It's the next day, and I've got a theory about why the white trams feel stronger. I woke up in the middle of the night with what seemed like withdrawals maybe starting. I had a single 50mg at 4:45pm, which is what I normally do -- one in the morning when I wake up and one around 5:00pm, that's it. At 3:30am is when I woke up and my legs were kinda restless and I felt like I was in a little bit more pain, but I wasn't really sure if I was psyching myself out or what. I went back to sleep (or tried to). I slept very badly and the restless legs got worse. At 4:45am I finally just got up and took my prescribed Rx 50mg 377 tram. I was trying to hold off until my usual time, but there was no way I was going to get any sleep, pain was getting worse, and withdrawal was definitely kicking in. On my normal schedule, I never ever ever have withdrawals. Given that these white trams felt stronger and didn't last nearly as long, my theory is that they are some kind of a quick release tram. Of all the trams I've tried, and there have been many (even Rx extended release back in 2013 once), I've never had any that seemed like they were quick release, except these. Dunno if I'm right, but seems like a solid guess. I'm going to be having two minor oral surgeries at the end of the week, so I think these will be great for helping with that if the dentist doesn't prescribe anything. I just have to be on top of knowing how long they last. Seems to be about 10 hours max for me, but it's probably shorter than that. If I had been more cognizant at 3:30am, I would have definitely realized that I was in wd. Even when I went to bed at midnight, I had a slight sense that maybe it was starting to wear off, but I wasn't sure. Normally, if I happened to sleep in until noon or 1pm, I wouldn't already be at the restless legs stage, I'd just be feeling my pain a little more and be able to tell that the tram is wearing off, that's it.