oversea2u.asia (formerly realmedical.email and oversea2u.biz)

Recommended Pharmacies on Pharmacy Reviewer

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Did anyone else order from him around December 7th? Package still in opps. But it is the holidays. I'm dangerously low and going into withdrawals likely right at Christmas. Not excited about that at all. Anyone got any ideas? I take tramadol. Trying to taper to make them last
Hi! I've been ordering from Tan for years, never any trouble. Only had a couple never make it to me, but didn't get a LL.

Anyway, I'm chiming in to provide comment on the white pills. I've always only ever gotten the green & yellow capsules, which I find weaker than my US prescription. I hadn't actually been on his website in years, so I didn't see what stock he had, but I asked via email if he had any white tablets; he said he did and would send in my next shipment. I assumed I'd get something with an imprint (foolish, I know!), so I was surprised when they arrived unmarked.

I had some trepidation about taking them, but after reading around a bit, I went for it. It's been two hours and they're definitely a little stronger than the green & yellow, but no ill effects so far. I'll report back if anything changes!
It's moving but slowly. Hopefully will have it in the next couple days. I've been using him for years and he's great.

Might I ask what the “unheard of delivery expectation” was about?

I agree plausible deniability use a pets name I love it!
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