The importance of a stockpile

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I am sure I have chimed in on this thread, but if any kind of dependency is involved, it is a must! Double edge sword as just having a bunch around can lead to even higher tolerance and dependency. Still better than dropping a small fortune with SY too get you by. Some SY clonaz I got was A-1 and price was better than many established vendors. Go figure.
Having a stockpile of medication (of all types) is good practice in my opinion. And by all types I really do mean all across the spectrum. Whether it's antibiotics or something else.

Yes, I realize this begins to go sound like "prepper" talk but better to have something on-hand than to be in a crunch and subject yourself through multiple hoops just for antibiotics! That said, and someone with more tenure here than me correct my if I am wrong, stockpiling medication which are let's say more "difficult" to obtain seems like a daunting task.

I hope I am proven wrong though!
It’s really about how much money you have to spend. You can probably stockpile most anything if you have resources to purchase enough (and aren’t way over imbibing. 🤔

@CoralSpringsPete Damn - that would stress me out completely to be reordering every month with my back to the wall. 😱
for overseas, definitely. but with US to US, yes it's more expensive but there aren't too many hiccups. yes, I'd rather spend than deal with stress too. stress usually ends up costing me more in other parts of my life.
With bumps comes adaptation. With the new administration I suspect some things will change some won't.

When have criminals not been 1 step ahead of law enforcement? They always have to play a game of catch up to what the bad guys have figured out now.

I have thankfully found a new source that maybe not allowing me a bulk purchase due to price but I can stockpile over time now so that helps.

After loosing a few sources making the switch to US - US has been great.
@Babygoats I feel like I worry myself sick about the dr forgetting to call in my meds. I had once where they forgot to call in a very important med that keeps sores from developing in my nose and mouth. By the time they ordered the medication I had a month just to recover. Sores in your mouth and nose are some of the worst pain in my option. I wish these medical professionals knew what it felt like to be in these bodies we are in. Maybe they would have compassion for us.
I've always stockpiled, but I worry about expiration. Is there any (reliable) information put together regarding valid expiration issues? I know it varies between medications, but I wish I knew more than that.
I have Tramadol that are ten years old that I've used and they were maybe a little less potent but still worked. I'm not sure how it works for all medications but I believe they begin to lose potency over time. I wonder if they only put expiration dates on there because they have to, not because the medication simply won't work. In our house, we rarely throw out old medications, especially if was one that required a prescription. We even have leftover Zofran that my wife used to treat her morning sickness from her last pregnancy which was 11 years ago. She recently had to use one and it worked. I know this is just anecdotal but hopefully it helps.

Article: The Myth of Drug Expiration Dates

Study: Stability Profiles of Expired Drugs

  • Manufacturers have to set an expiration date, whether their med expires or not
  • They usually do bare minimum testing or even set something arbitrary (3 years etc)
  • The government has large stockpiles it occasionally tests. It has found the following rule of thumb...
    • Most meds stored dry and cool do NOT expire or lose significant potency.
    • There are exceptions (especially unstable compounds, syrups etc). But 99%+ of what we use, is good forever. Never throw out a pill unless it got wet or very hot.
@FredOnline Literally same though. I have kept zofran from my pregnancy 10+ years ago because I am so terrified of ever feeling as bad as I did when I was pregnant.

Article: The Myth of Drug Expiration Dates

Study: Stability Profiles of Expired Drugs

  • Manufacturers have to set an expiration date, whether their med expires or not
  • They usually do bare minimum testing or even set something arbitrary (3 years etc)
  • The government has large stockpiles it occasionally tests. It has found the following rule of thumb...
    • Most meds stored dry and cool do NOT expire or lose significant potency.
    • There are exceptions (especially unstable compounds, syrups etc). But 99%+ of what we use, is good forever. Never throw out a pill unless it got wet or very hot.
I've always believed that the expiry date was a myth myself. (Just another way to rake in some extra dough maybe?) I'm old enough to remember them not even being on an rx bottle! And, yeah I don't throw anything away either...:p
I was reminded today of what a stockpile could mean to many people in many parts of the world.

Its interesting to see what some people consider a stockpile while some might just consider that 1 days order.
From being able to stockpile for 6-9 months it's down to barely 2 months. The costs have just risen too much to maintain a higher time span stock. It's really been crazy post Covid.
@FredOnline Literally same though. I have kept zofran from my pregnancy 10+ years ago because I am so terrified of ever feeling as bad as I did when I was pregnant.
Thankfully I've never had to take it but from watching my wife's experience up close and personal I can tell that it made a huge difference to her health and the baby's. It must be really tough when your body is directing all it's nutrients into growing the little fetus and you just cant keep anything down to nourish yourself. She would be both starving and too sick to eat at the same time. Three pregnancies and it was the same story every time so we did end up with several bottles of leftover Zofran.
I agree with Alvaeez4u. The HTF prices sure have skyrocketed after covid, but that was 5 years ago.
Regarding stockpiles, I don't know if it's a mental thing but I do feel much more relaxed and less in pain knowing there's future relief.
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