I think you should use your name so that the transparency will be there between you and the mail person.
Yep, or something darn close to it. If you are caught, one thing that would be asked is why you are using a fake name? (It adds credence to the suspicion that you may be doing something wrong and that you know if). On the other hand...I've had shippers (especially overseas) make all kinds of mistakes with my name, but it's a case of "right neighborhood, wrong spelling." For instance (NOT my real name), let's say my name is Amy. Shipper sends me packages addressed to "Aimee," "Anna," "Aileen", etc. You get the idea. In those cases you kind of have plausible deniability if you are caught ("Hey, my name is Amy, not Aileen"), and anyone can mail anybody anything, but you'd still have a task to prove that you aren't the one who ordered the goods. I've actually had shipments come with misspellings like the above on first AND last name, an incorrect address, and somehow they STILL got to me and weren't snagged. I think I just got lucky a time or three!