What Documentaries Have You Watched Lately?

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The Coming War on China, from award winning journalist John Pilger, reveals what the news doesn’t – that the world’s greatest military power, the United States, and the world’s second economic power, China, both nuclear-armed, may well be on the road to war.
I watched FARROW VS ALLEN recently and it was very cringe worthy. I believe Dylan Farrow believes her story. I believe that Woody Allen is super creepy. What explanation could there be for him taking naked picture of Farrow daughter Soon Yi? I get that he later married her, but I also think he's a perv and has always been a perv.
Seaspiracy on Netflix. Changes your mind about "sustainable" seafood -- highly recommended.

ps. I'm not a militant vegan! :) In fact, I love all meat. Commercial cattle and seafood farming / fishing, however, has gone really overboard with the irreversible environmental damages they are causing, and the cruelty ...
Breaking Bad with actor Bryan Cranston as "Walter White" co star Aaron Paul as "Jesse Pinkman" filmed in Albuquerque New Mexico
2008/2009/2010 & distributed on USA (64 episodes) shown on USA "AMC: channel & on "Netflix"(the latter for only Season 4 & 5)
ending "start to finish 2008 to 2013. TBH I only saw the very last episodes, but, when I checked out, this PR forum under @TSIF posts
under "New Music New Old Rock post #1984, #1985, & #1986, I "after I saw the photo, even before I played the I guess youtube song
video's I felt "Wow" that is my "getaway home town" ( as I have family there, right in Albuquerque NM Proper, as well as living 10
years in greater Phoenix AZ. Thus I now know both Bernalillo County NM & Maricopa County AZ (like the back of my hand) LOL ! +
Currently "stuck" on EC of USA,

I initially was turned off some 8 yrs ago, as story line is about a chemistry professor who has 2 yrs left to die due to cancer, and this
actor manufacturer's "crystal M*th" to provide for his family. But, I was shocked this series won over 2 dozen coveted awards &
now broke records in the Guinness World Records !!! FWIW it's a dark sort of comedy, (not for everybody) but I need a few laughs
in being trapped (like all of us) with this damn Covid-1hing ! I deplore the damage crystal M*th destroys lives, but, I hope to get
thru my moral turpitude, & NOT be the only person on my block who has not seen this flick. (as I don't have net flicks, but,a super
expensive Cable system) that I plan on dropping this year & burned out on re-runs of super old movies & imho new movies suck.

Thus, I just checked on E-Bay, & plan on ordering the sealed copy of 21 DVD;s ASAP with several vendors for only around US 35.00 !!! +
( everyone has reputation scores of 97 to 98% CSI rate) thus I should be good to go !!!
The "Last 24 hours of...{fill in the blank with your favorite deceased performer}.
They had one on Jim Morrison, John Belushi, Hunter S. Thompson (my personal favorite), etc..

They're on Youtube, tremendous documentaries.
@GreenThumb ......Thanks for the heads up !!! I have a either the same show, or the 1st cousin, to a AT&T Universal Cable big screen
HDTV with a super wide screen in my home, on channel 798. There is a Mortician, sort of a M.D in his age range 40's, who tells the
public, what really happened to many (now RIP) entertainers, & movies stars, with explicit details, interpreting the last 24 hours of
their life, and the autopsy reports on such people, such as Joan Rivers, John Belushi, (like you said @GreenThumb, Robin Williams,
Steve McQueen, to even Elvis Presley ! I forgot this forensic M.D. with lots of experience, with autopsy reports & morticians, with
direct examination, of the results & files on the famous of our times, been on AT&T Universal Cable TV or at lesast the past 5 or more

Did anyone know that Elvis Presley,'s M.D. (the controversial so-called "pill-pusher" (by the world press), wrote a book before this
M.D's death, about 5 yrs ago, DR. Nickopoulos ?, M.D. a hardback book in 2009 called "the King & I" (What Really
Happened to Elvis and Me) published by Thomas Nelson, ISBN 09-10-12-12-12 WC 6 5 4 3 2 1 (printed in the USA)

I am a hard core Elvis Presley fan, since I was 5 or 6 years old. (too young to ever see the big "E" to perform, & later as a young
man, missed my opportunity to see Elvis Presley preform, even in my hometown, six months before he went RIP in August 1977.
Thus, It takes a lot to convince me, with so many books about him about Elvis died? in the post Elvis years. but this M.D, & many
facts, (formerly NOT DiSCLOSED, In detail, from highly regarded experts, who have expert knowledge on the test results, (not
released to the public, toxology sp? reports, from several other M.D's who have done hundreds of examinations of examinations
of "what was in their blood, from Lab reports. The damning information of Bio-Science Labs, & AP & UPI, all respected for their
credibility, + the bodyguards who published the book, "Elvis, What Happened?" in 1977, the combination of this book & "certain"
lab reports did quote "it was the beginning of a process of such damning information being wrongly outed as a medical drug
addct, who died of a overdose, unquote.

quote "the coroner's offical report and cause of death, listed on the death certificate, were lost, in the scuffle for "headlines: source
page 134 of this book by Dr. Nick. more quotes:
"the stomach contents were not analyzed". #1
"the Demerol prescribed by Dr, Nick, he never took or he decided not to take it, it never showed up in his blood" #2
"The Valmid, Dr. Nick had never heard before, found in his system, it was given to him by a doctor from California., that was
why the Placidyl level was very low, Elvis told Dr. Nick it worked well for him, he had replaced that med with Valmid. #3
"Elvis's mega colon size was too severe, that many M.D's thought, was much too severe, the problem, to have been caused
by drugs alone, if at all. (2 to 3 times the size of an adult, Barium was still in Elvis's colon, several months before he drank
the white, chalky substance, during a office visit, for X-Ray, but NOT the extent, that showed up, from his office visit (X-Ray). #4

Elvis heart, which was probably one and a half as large, but that was not surprising. An over sized heart, is normal finding in
athletes, & Elvis was very athletic, when he performed. (+ playing Racketball, sp? in 1977)* more direct quotes from page
137, Heart enlargement is also found with people, with high blood pressure. #5
The other findings, regarding "arterioschlerosis" were noted in Dr. Chesney's letter. There was NO Evidence, of a recent heart
attack, or other injury, in the muscular walls of his heart. #6

Since Elvis's death, more information has become available, on colon diseases, as a result of new treatments, through research,
(by 2008/2009). One is Hirschsprung's, which may start at birth, or in early childhood, that fit Elvis Diagnosis; the other is
"Colon Paralysis", more recently called "colonic inertia" The conditions occur either from an absence of nerves to the colon,
or, from damaged nerves to the colon. which impede its ability, to contract & thus move substances, through the intestines,
and out the body. #7

"Elvis's condition was autonomic neuropathy, Dr Lahr confirmed,. Drug addiction does not cause a dilated colon.
Colon gets distended, it causes abdominal pain, abdominal distension, and bloating. By 1977, Elvis was a walking time bomb"
It's a disease, , and, we can now see it now with a MRI, which you did not have available at the time (1977). The doctors agreed
if they had access to samples, taken at autopsy, the condition could have been confirmed. Unfortunately, we were limited to the
information we had. #8

Dan Warwick, which Dr Nick highly respected, quote again "We believe Elvis died, from a normal physiological event, brought
into play called "Valsalva maneuver". This Valsalva maneuver caused the heart to stop when the body strained.
"I hope this makes this clear for the last time, Warwick stated, (an investigator for the coroner's office and examined Elvis body
at autopsy). Warwick stated to Dr. Nick when they talked recently, (just before the book Dr. Nick published) more quotes
from page 138, "Elvis Presley did not die of a drug overdose....It makes a better story (for the media), but, IT IS NOT TRUE.
The poor guy had issues with his physiology that were in large part genetic" . #9

Sorry for both my wall of text, and, going off topic, Nearly 90% of every word was a quote from the book published &
released in the year late 2009, shortly after October 29, 2009 (over 32 years after Elvis Presley died). Thomas Nelson,
the publisher, (since the year 1798, released the book with offices in Nashville / Dallas / Mexico City / Rio De Janeiro.
270 pages, with praise from Jerry Lee Lewis, who claimed Dr. Nick saved his life, Michael Rose, producer of Elvis:
Return to Memphis, Andrew Hearn, editor & publisher "Essential Elvis United Kingdom" & Peter Harry Brown, & Pat H
Broeske, authors of "Down at the End of Lonely Street": and "Death of Elvis Presley" Also not 100% edited from any
of my spelling errors. Correction of ISBN: 978-1-59555-171-9 includes 6 pages of single line bibliographical references.
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