Thanks for posting,it is a good move in the right direction,wish there were more around the country,but with the tories cutting funding it may be a while yet.
There is very litttle help available, i have asked,the only option for me my gp says is to go into a detox clinic.
Trouble is,after 2 weeks of staying in a residential detox centre people get all their benefits cut,they come out and have to start a frsh claim,the amount you get is really small,no way near enough to live on,not enough to pay the bedroom tax,i'd end up homeless if i went into a detox center for 2 weeks or more,gp will not even help with a taper programme,mention things like diaz or DHC and her head swivels round like that scene out of the exorcist film, really is very little help even when you genuinley want to get off benzos,its going to create one hell of a mess if they dont change their attitudes towards addiction.